3/22/2025 11:53:43 PM
portfolio :: resume >

Thamaraj Udomwongyont

:: courses 185 Bay Drive
:: Samples.proj Itasca, Illinois 60143
:: web.design Phone: (773) 818-8880
E-mail: thamaraj_u@hotmail.com

To contribute relevant experience and educational background to a challenging position in system design, research and developer in the areas of E-Commerce Business, Enterprise Application Development and Consulting.


Masters of Computer Science in E-Commerce Technology - June 2003
DePaul University, Chicago, IL - http://www.depaul.edu

Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing - January 2000
Assumption University Thailand - https://www.au.edu

Academic Project
  • Designed and built an integrated B2C online store including product catalog, shopping cart, checkout processing, order processing, securing web server, and customer service. Developed a 3-Tier application and component architecture using ASP and Visual Basic 6.
  • Implemented auction online supporting strategies coalitions and Autonomous agents using Java Servlets and JDBC running on TOMCAT web server.
  • Developed a simple Web Clipping Application using ASP and tested it using the Palm VII emulator. Created a WML application including scripting modules using the Nokia emulators. Developed a Voice XML interacted application using Tellme platform (http://studio.tellme.com).
  • Experimented data mining technique using commercial package Latent GOLD v3.0 to retrieve the extraordinary patterns of each particular group's behavior.
  • Planned and developed digital strategies for enterprise that needs to integrate e-business technology.
  • Implemented a collaborative extranet system component-B2B application in team project. ASP, Visual Basic, and message-based middleware are used to deliver XML document. Those integrations enable supplies to interact with customers in B2B exchange system.
  • Designed completed database for auction site including all aspects that the auction part of ebay includes.
Technical Knowledge
Languages - Active Server Pages (ASP), VBScript, JavaScript, HTML, DHTML, CSS, XML,
Java, C++, and Visual Basic
Software - Visio, IIS, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Macromedia Flash, Adobe PhotoShop, and Microsoft Office
Databases - Access and SQL Server
2005 - 2007 Web Developer/Designer
New Media, Bangkok, Thailand - http://www.newmediaworldwide.com
  • Used information architecture, information design, and project management skills to enhance the customer experience on the Microsoft Thailand Web sites (http://www.microsoft.com/thailand). Worked cross group with Marketing managers, Development Managers, Design and Editorial teams, and the Platforms (Development and Test) team on content and functionality changes. Used a myriad of tools and platforms to edit, produce, and publish to the Web in adherence with MSCOM platform standards.
  • Develop and maintain small site for MSN Thailand (http://www.msn.co.th), including analyzing trends and investigating campaign irregularities.
  • Work closely with Content Director and production team to develop MSN channel to meet goals and objectives.
2005 - 2005 Webmaster
Noodlezone, Chicago, IL - http://www.noodlezone.net
  • Developed the site using ASP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Macromedia Dreamweaver, and Macromedia Flash.
  • Designed and implemented database to support the site content.
  • Maintained and updated the site.
2003 - 2005 Webmaster
Cozy Chicago, Chicago, IL - http://www.cozychicago.com
  • Developed the site using ASP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Macromedia Dreamweaver, and Macromedia Flash.
  • Photographing food and restaurant interior for image galleries using Adobe Photoshop.
  • Designed and implemented database to support the site content.
  • Maintained and updated the site.
2001 - 2005 Restaurant Manager
My Thai Cafe, Corp., Chicago, IL
  • Trouble shot computer issues including servers, printers, screens, networking so aid was not needed from technical services company.
  • Managed staff and daily operations including - hiring, scheduling and training.
  • Managed financial affairs including - purchasing, ordering and daily cash flow approximately $3,000 on a daily basis.
  • Mr. Resty Magno
    Technology Director
    New Media Company Limited, Thailand
    Tel. +(662) 636-0730
  • Mr. Suppawat Amornpong
    Customer Relationship Manager
    Microsoft Thailand Limited
    Tel. +(662) 257-4999
Honor Society
Member of Delta Chapter, Upsilon Pi Epsilon Association
Fluent in English and Thai


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